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Concert of the Corpo Musicale di Loveno Wind Orchestra


The historic Corpo Musicale di Loveno Wind Orchestra will perform Sunday  September 15th at 5 p.m. in Piazza Garibaldi



Free admission.


The Corpo Musicale di Loveno Wind Orchestra was founded in 1843. It is one of the longest-standing wind orchestras in Lombardy. From the day of its first concert, the band never ceased to exist, with only two suspensions due to the two world wars. The ochestra always takes part in all the religious ceremonies in Loveno and its surroundings, and is invited to perform concerts in neighboring towns and has also won numerous awards and prizes in wind orchestra competitions. In 2011, on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the  Corpo Musicale di Loveno Wind Orchestrawas recognized as a Municipal Interest Group at a national level, and therefore an integral part of the Italian cultural heritage. Currently made up of around 50 musicians, it is a real wind orchestra: under the direction of maestro Bruno Selva it performs a repertoire that varies from classical to operatic music, up to modern music.

This content was originally published on mylakecomo.co.