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Second-hand book market in Menaggio

Street & Flea Markets

Usual appointment in Menaggio with the Second-hand book market for 1 Euro organized by the Association "In Viaggio" and the Coordinamento Comasco per la Pace.

All proceeds will be donated to a specific solidarity project.

Some of the projects supported over the years:
  • Associazione Per Far Sorridere il Cielo by Marco Rodari, aka "Claun Il Pimpa."
  • Operazione Colomba, Corpo Nonviolento di Pace dell'Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII;
  • Integration and hospitality projects by Don Giusto Della Valle (pastor of Rebbio);
  • Nawal Soufi, italian journalist and activist who has always been involved in humanitarian actions;
  • Dino and Gloria, volunteers in Nicaragua with Associazione La Comune Luigi Bottasini;
  • Educational projects in the Zapatista Indigenous Communities of Chiapas, Mexico;
  • Associazione La Centralina by Don Diego Fognini, Pedagogical Rehabilitation Community of Morbegno;
  • Comunità di base delle Piagge di Firenze managed by Don Alessandro Santoro;
  • Solidarity projects of the Associazione Hospital Mama Ashu and hospital of the same name in Chacas, Peru.

Useful Info

For more information
  • Davide +39 339 6958605
  • Massimo +39 0344 31469

If you have books at home that no longer interest you, you can prune them directly to the sale.

Encyclopedias and school texts are not collected.

This content was originally published on mylakecomo.co.